
Definitely can relate to this kitty! photo by Ek Camel
Definitely can relate to this kitty!
photo by Ek Camel


Thanksgiving’s Tomorrow

Besides eating too much turkey like this poor kitty and wishing I had my Tums at my aunt’s house (her fault since she’s such a good cook and I have no will power), I have to think about this past year.  What am I thankful for?

My dad fell off the roof trying to fix the swamp cooler and broke six ribs. He punctured his lung and was in the hospital for almost two weeks and rehab for a week. He’s now back to work and to his old self. Over these last years, dad and I have gotten closer. When I have my down days, he picks me up off the ground, offering encouragement without even realizing it. So, yes, I’m glad dad’s back. (Even if we cancel each other out in each election!)

 I made the decision to self-publish this year and it’s been a rollercoaster ride. I wanted to publish my book, A Pirate’s Curse, but it didn’t fit into any of the traditional publishers so I took a chance. It’s gotten some good reviews so I think I made the right decision. The second one, A Pirate’s Revenge, comes out in February 2014.

A Pirate's Curse, Legends of the Soaring Phoenix
A Pirate’s Curse, Legends of the Soaring Phoenix

I’m also thankful for all of my friends up in St. Vrain who survived the flood. There was a touch and go for some, but they came out strong. Houses and families and pets in tack. My prayers still go out for those who weren’t as lucky.  In Arvada, my sister’s street was flooded and she and her family were lucky, damn lucky!

My sister's house during the September flood
My sister’s house during the September flood

So all in all, I’m thankful for this year, for family and friends. What are you thankful for?

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