I’d like to wish all the fathers out there a Happy Father’s Day. To celebrate Father’s Day, I went to the Elk’s for the father’s day buffet with my parents, and brought my new friend, Sock Monkey.

Yesterday, I won Sock Monkey from author Sandra S. Kerns at the Colorado Romance Writers’ meeting. Sandra has a Sock Monkey that she takes everywhere. She writes about her adventures with Sock Monkey on her blog, and I’ve decided to carry on the tradition. So, today Sock Monkey helped celebrate Father’s Day with my dad, who is a good sport and let Sock Monkey sit on his shoulder.
At breakfast, I gave dad a father’s day card that had all these sayings I remember he used to say when I was kid, such as “Do you think money grows on trees?” or “Let me see the remote control.” All the typical dad comments, but there was one that wasn’t on the card that I had to add.
When I was a little girl, my mom used to work at Stretch and Sew, which meant my sister and brother and I were home with dad. This meant chores! One of the chores dad always made my sister and I do was the dishes, but washing and drying the dishes wasn’t enough. We also had to have a clean sink. Yes, dad would inspect the sink. His famous comment was—”Is that a sink you can be proud of?”
To this day, whenever I look at my kitchen or bathroom sink, I hear his voice.
Happy Father’s Day Dad!
What are you doing for Father’s Day?
The answer was a dragon!