I love it when I crawl into bed and my cocker spaniel, Sadie the Snuggler, crawls up next to me after I’ve had a sad or a busy day. Yesterday was both. She keeps close to my side and seems to say — It’s okay woman. I’m here for you.
She’s loyal. Doesn’t ask questions. Just wants to be there.
At night, when I’m up late, she’ll come down and look at me — Are you coming?
When I take her places, she follows me and has to make sure I’m there. People pays lots of money to therapists, but I find the best therapy I’ve received is snuggling next to little Sadie.
What about your dog? Snuggler? Great therapist?
My soul heart dog is Zeke, the Italian Greyhound mix. Ever since I took ahold of his leash I could never let go. After the alarm goes off in the morning he sits on my back til I get up! My two other loves are a poodle, Larue and a black cat, Bearcat (who thinks he is a dog.)
What a great family!