The last time I blogged I said it was hot, hot, hot. I spoke too soon and the Colorado floods have proven me wrong. I work in St Vrain Valley School District and my district is closed for a week. Yes, a week!
I’ve worked in the schools for twenty years and have never seen anything like this. My school is in Firestone and I worry about my students and parents and teachers who live nearby. I can’t imagine what they are going through.

I’ve had a little glimpse with my sister who lives near me. Her home is in the path of Leyden dam that has been overflowing. Luckily, the dam hasn’t broken and none of the water has seeped into her beautiful home. I was there yesterday and dropped off food.
I just keep praying for the sun to come out and dry up the water. My sister and her family are strong and she’s got the support of family and friends.
Keep my sister and her family and all the others people in your prayers. I don’t like to say the word victims because it implies helplessness. They are not victims. They are survivors. And they will survive.